Lorrie Margolin

In the quiet halls of Vibra Hospital of Denver, Lorrie Margolin’s story unfolded with a determined spirit and the attentive care of clinical specialists. Facing the challenges of Guillain-Barre syndrome, profound loss marked Lorrie’s arrival at the critical care hospital—she couldn’t walk or talk and depended on a ventilator to breathe. Yet, from the outset, a dedicated team embarked on a mission to restore Lorrie’s mobility and independence.

Diagnosed with Guillain-Barre syndrome, Lorrie arrived at Vibra Hospital of Denver with a long journey ahead. Unable to walk or talk, Lorrie was confined to her bed, required a ventilator to breathe, and had numbness throughout her hands, legs, and feet. Having no voice, Lorrie found it both difficult and exhausting to communicate.

But from day one, the work began to help Lorrie regain her previous level of function and independence. Her progress really began once she was weaned off the ventilator and had her trach removed. Gradually, Lorrie’s tubes were removed, and she started to get up and move with the help of a walker. She regained her voice and resumed talking and communicating without difficulty.

“I enjoyed getting to know all of the wonderful nurses and doctors here who have become my friends and who have been so kind and caring,” Lorrie said as she reflected on her time at Vibra. She got to know the team well and noted many staff members who made a difference in her recovery, particularly Rosa, James, Luis, and Christina. “I was so glad to have Brittany and Branden (from therapy) as my cheerleaders!” she added.

Lorrie is glad to have made so much progress at Vibra and anticipates coming back to visit now that she has discharged from the critical care hospital. She looks forward to more physical and occupational therapy and finally returning home!